Computer Applications

QQI Level 5


This programme supports learner to engage with Microsoft office software, Access, Excel and word processing. Delivered on a modular basis. Each semester offers a focused module to support development of skills using Office 365. Additional modules are offer subject to demand.

Applications can be made through the button below. Once the application is received, applicants will receive a learner details form and a personal statement which should be completed and returned to Arklow FETC. Interview and assessment of language will be carried out once eligibility criteria has been established. A good standard or written and spoken English is required to participate in this course and complete the assessment work along with good IT skills. Elements of the course will be completed online using; Moodle and Microsoft 365; KWETB email account and relevant training will be provided on commencement of the course.

Evening classes run on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6.30pm to 9.30pm.


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